2022: Celebrating Agriculture for Development - Outcomes, impacts and the way ahead, 15-16 August 2022 (21)
2021: Food and Nutrition Security - The Biosecurity, Trade, Health Nexus, 13-14 December 2021 (25)
2019: Weathering the 'Perfect Storm' - Addressing the Agriculture, Energy, Water, Climate Change Nexus, 12-13 August 2019 (22)
2018: Reshaping Agriculture for Better Nutrition-The Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, Health Nexus, 13-14 August 2018 (15)
2017: Transforming Lives and Livelihoods: The Digital Revolution in Agriculture, 7-8 August 2017 (20)
2016: Waste Not, Want Not: The Circular Economy of Food Security, 29-30 August 2016 (19)
2015: The Business of Food Security: Profitability, Sustainability and Risk, 10-12 August 2015 (16)
2014: Ethics, Efficiency and Food Security: Feeding the 9 Billion, Well, 26-28 August 2014 (20)
2013: Mining, Agriculture and Development: Bread from stones?, 26-27 August 2013 (17)
2012: The Scramble for Natural Resources: More Food, Less Land?, 9-10 October 2012 (18)
2011: The Supermarket Revolution in Food: Good, Bad or Ugly for the World's Farmers, Consumers and Retailers?, 14-16 August 2011 (16)
2010: Biodiversity and World Food Security: Nourishing the Planet and Its People, 30 August-1 September 2010 (16)
2009: World Food Security: Can Private Sector R&D Feed the Poor?, 27-28 October 2009 (18)
2008: Agriculture in a Changing Climate: The New International Research Frontier, 3 September 2008 (13)
2007: Biofuels, Energy and Agriculture: Powering Towards or Away from Food Security?, 15 August 2007 (10)
2006: Water for Irrigated Agriculture and the Environment: Finding a Flow for All, 16 August 2006 (12)
2005: Forests, Wood and Livelihoods: Finding a Future for All, 16 August 2005 (16)
2004: Fish, Aquaculture and Food Security: Sustaining Fish as a Food Supply, 11 August 2004 (13)
2003: The Livestock Revolution: A Pathway from Poverty?, 13 August 2003 (13)
2002: Food for the Future: Opportunities for a Crowded Planet, 8 August 2002 (13)
2001: Prosper or Perish: Asian Poverty and the Australian Economy, 28 June 2001 (12)
2000: Food, Water and War Security in a World of Conflict, 15 August 2000 (10)
1994: A Profit in Our Own Country, 17 May 1994 (15)
Crawford Fund Research Studies and Task Force Reports (7)
2023: Global Food Security in a Riskier World-Diversification for resilient food and nutrition systems, 4-5 September 2023 (16)