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AgEcon Search Policies

Terms of Use

Papers and articles downloaded from AgEcon Search may be used for non-commercial purposes and personal study only. No other use, including posting to another Internet site, is permitted without the written permission from the copyright owner, or as allowed under the provisions of Fair Use, U.S. Copyright Act, Title 17 U.S.C.

Full documents must not be harvested by robots except transiently for full-text indexing or citation analysis

Charges for Services

There are no costs for posting papers for groups who designate someone to fill out the submission forms and upload papers.

There is a small charge per paper for groups that have each author submit their own papers, or have staff at the University of Minnesota assist with the process. Charges are from 1 US to 5 USD per paper depending on how much extra processing is involved, for example adding conference cover pages, or splitting journal issues into individual articles prior to uploading.


AgEcon Search does not hold the copyright to articles, working papers, conference papers, or other materials available in the repository. Authors of papers posted on AgEcon Search retain their copyrights. When authors have assigned or transferred rights to them, journal publishers hold copyrights to articles published in their journals which are contained in the AgEcon Search database. Materials will be removed if it is found that copyright has been violated.

Some authors request that their papers not be cited. This condition is stated clearly on the cover page, and we ask that users respect these authors’ wishes.

AgEcon Search requires no license agreement with or permission grant to others who want to link to content in the AgEcon Search database.

AgEcon Search, its staff, and the University of Minnesota are not liable for any loss, damage, or costs arising from any infringement of these rights.

Deposit Agreement

AgEcon Search contributors agree to adhere to the terms of this Deposit Agreement when submitting an item to the repository. This agreement basically grants us the non-exclusive right to host material; it does not remove or alter the author or publisher’s copyrights.


Items are retained indefinitely. AgEcon Search is committed to providing long-term access to the digital works it contains, and adheres to digital preservation best practices to ensure data accessibility, fixity, and usability in perpetuity.


AgEcon Search is committed to preserving your privacy. The personal information we receive is used solely for purposes of the functioning of the system.

The system collects personal information from people who submit material to AgEcon Search and people who subscribe to any of the update features. This information is never used for commercial or marketing purposes and will never be revealed to any third party except by order of law.

Withdrawal of items

AgEcon Search is a formal, trusted repository designed for the long-term preservation of research. As stated in our Deposit Agreement we retain the irrevocable right to retain resources into perpetuity. However, in special circumstances Items in AgEcon Search may be withdrawn upon the request of the contributor. When an item is removed, the original citation along with a brief statement will appear in its place.

To request to have an item removed, please contact the coordinators of AgEcon Search, at aesearch@umn.edu