The defining issues of the twenty-first century may well be the control of water resources. In the next 30 years it is likely that water shortages will increase dramatica [...]
English |
1997 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
En marzo de 1995, como parte de la iniciativa Visión 2020 del Instituto Internacional de Investigaciones sobre
Políticas Alimentarias (IFPRI), este Instituto, junto con [...]
Spanish |
1995 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
Among the most problematic issues considered as part of IFPRI’s 2020 Vision initiative, which seeks to develop an international consensus on how to meet future food nee [...]
English |
1996 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
Uno de los ele men tos nece sarios para proyec tar una visión del futuro con siste en entender
dónde hemos estado antes. Como parte de la inicia tiva de la visión 2020 [...]
Spanish |
1997 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
América Latina sufre actualmente un cambio de su perfil demográfico y de salud humana.
Setenta y cinco por ciento de la población de la región vive ahora en las zonas [...]
Spanish |
1998 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
While there is growing appreciation for our soil re sources and the need to as sure sustain ability
in their management, we do not as yet fully understand where, when, an [...]
English |
1999 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
The combined per capita consumption of meat, eggs, and milk in developing countries grew by about 50 per cent from the early 1970s to the early 1990s. As incomes rise and [...]
English |
1999 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
IFPRI’s “2020 Vision Initiative for Food Agriculture, and the Environment” is intended to
develop a shared vision on how to meet future world food needs while reduc [...]
English |
1999 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
As part of the 2020 Vision initiative, IFPRI has identified key issues for which better knowledge is required if poverty and hunger in developing countries are to be alle [...]
English |
1997 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
English |
2001 |
Working or Discussion Paper |