Net farm income fell by 3 percent in 1988 to $45.7 billion while net cash income rose 4 percent to $59.9 billion. Both income concepts reflect cash income minus expenses [...]
English |
1989-09 |
Report |
Net farm income rose 11.7 percent in 1989 to $46.7 billion, while net cash income fell 6.0 percent to $54.6 billion. Both income concepts reflect cash income minus expen [...]
English |
1991-01 |
Report |
Excerpt: This inventory provides information on the scope and character of upstream watershed development in the United States. The focus is on development as authorized [...]
English |
1974-08 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
Report Summary: This report attempts to develop practical methods of sampling, coding, and storing data relating to the agricultural occupancy of flood plains in the Uni [...]
English |
1962-08 |
Report |
This is a summary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agency for International Development progress in implementing the recommendations made to the President of the Uni [...]
English |
1971-11 |
Report |
Excerpts: War has brought about many adjustments in rural life in the South Central Region, principally because of great demands for manpower, food, and raw materials. [...]
English |
1943-08 |
Report |
Net farm income rose 1.5 percent in 1990 to $50.8 billion, while net cash income increased 4.0 percent to $61.8 billion. Both income concepts reflect cash income minus e [...]
English |
1991-11 |
Report |
Excerpt: The western range region contains a total lend area of about 975 million acres lying west of an irregular north-south line through North and South Dakota, Nebra [...]
English |
1941-07 |
Report |
Net farm income fell 12.5 percent in 1991 to $44.6 billion, while net cash income declined 5.4 percent to $58 billion. This was the first decline for either since 1984. ( [...]
English |
1993-01 |
Report |
Papers included: Anticipating the Future (Leroy Quance and Gary C. Taylor) --- Domestic Food and Fiber Needs and Demands (Alden C. Manchester and Charles R. Handy) --- F [...]
English |
1977-09 |
Report |