

Turkey has a total population of 82 million 3 thousand 882 in 2018. Rural population is 6 million 337 thousand 385 and 7.7% of our population. Contribution to the agricultural economy and rural population in Turkey's economy plays a primary role. Demographic projection is a method to help us prepare prudential economic and social policies. These projections provide useful predictions about, current population structure, it’s vocations and also helps us to determine if the current behaviour of the population keeps having the same vocation, what kind of population would appear in near future, population density, migrations, sex and age pattern of the population and sociocultural changes. Demographic Projections not only suggest that Turkey’s young and constantly growing population pattern is changing but it also shows that it's fertility rates and structures showing some changes as well. Changes through Low Death and Fertilty Rates from higher rates ,what we can define as “Demographic Change Process”, affects on population’s age structure as well. What we gathered from recent projection researchs indicates that there will be constant fall on young population levels, there will be rise in the number of population in working till 2040 but then there will be fall on the number in the same population group afterwards. Based on these informations, elderly population in Turkey constantly growing. These changes on both age and demographic structures makes impact in direct or indirect ways on both Social and Ekonomic live in Turkey. Demographic changes brought some positive outcomes(having a peak on population in working age level) along with the risks that Turkey never have been faced before(aging population). This situation requires taking measures for many sectors, especially the agricultural economy. Therefore, our study of the demographic transformation of Turkey, the rural population and population projections to 2080 are analyzed.




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