The world aspires to sustainable healthy living for
all. This ambition is challenged by accelerating
global change, fuelled directly by entrenched
patterns of land and water use and loss of biodiversity,
combined with rising consumption and
ongoing population growth. We can and must
improve levels of agricultural productivity to feed
the world. At the same time, the hope of a continuing
‘green revolution’ as future salvation
focussed on a few mainstream crops seems
increasingly unlikely without new land and water
ethics, economics, and political and financial
systems that value social and natural capital as
much as present systems focus on financial goals.
We are at a global turning point, comparable to
that when slavery was abolished. Plant diversity
has never been more important than now to help
with solutions towards sustainable livelihoods.
This presentation will touch upon global plant
diversity patterns, ongoing scientific discovery,
and strategies that have helped and will help
towards humans living with and sustainably using