The main drivers of tropical forest biodiversity loss
are land clearing for agriculture, pasture and
timber plantation development, followed by logging
activities that degrade forests. Deforestation
and forest degradation also significantly contribute
to climate change, given that they contribute
about 12–15% of total greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate change in turn negatively affects biodiversity
and agricultural activities in tropical countries.
Therefore the governance of forest biodiversity
needs to be closely connected to the governance
of the climate.
The following governance factors need to be
addressed to reduce tropical forest biodiversity
loss. First, corruption and illegal logging appear to
contribute to deforestation and forest degradation.
Second, the roles in forest management of the
various government levels will need to be clearly
spelt out, and the appropriate performance-based
financial incentives (and related capacity) for
forest conservation be provided to the appropriate
government levels. Third, economic incentives
need to be present for countries to commit to
changes in the policies that drive deforestation
and forest degradation. These economic incentives
will be most effective when they directly
reach the holders of the property and management
rights to forests. Property and management
rights will need to be adjusted for economic incentives
to be effective and equitable, and benefit
local and indigenous communities. The paper
suggests policies and activities that the Australian
government could implement within Australia and
through the development assistance program to
support a mechanism for Reducing Emissions
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
(REDD), to reduce biodiversity loss, reduce carbon
emissions, and contribute to local livelihoods.