The production of food from marine and freshwaters
is undergoing a profound revolution—from
hunting to farming or from fishing to aquaculture.
Fishing and aquaculture exploit and alter the
biodiversity on which they are based, each in
different but convergent ways. Fishing harvests a
much larger range of biodiversity at ecosystem,
species and genetic levels than aquaculture.
Nearly 400 aquatic species are cultured and more
than 5000 species captured in fisheries. Aquaculture
and fishing tend to reduce genetic, species
and ecosystem diversity, but along different
pathways. Fishing reduces genetic and species
diversity through selectively removing target
individuals with desired characteristics, such as
large size, and alters ecosystems. Aquaculture is
currently developing across a broad front, using
many different species but in inefficient ways. A
deliberate program of careful species selection
using a broad range of criteria for farming and
markets, including food security, should be encouraged,
along with research to close the
lifecycles of the selected species, improved farm
breeds and conservation of germplasm. Aquatic
biodiversity for food production receives little
policy and management attention but international
research provides major support to its sustainable
use and conservation.