The organization of primary agriculture is dependent upon whether the institutions of a country allow for reverse franchising by farmers. If the transaction costs of mana [...]
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2007 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Agricultural transformations in Ukraine resulted in division of tracts of land and creation of large number of small private land owners. Since December 1999 these proces [...]
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2007 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Comparing different organizational, managerial and economic indicators of the farms in two selected regions the study investigates whether agroholdings perform better and [...]
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2007 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
The presented research is devoted to issues of development in Ukraine superlarge farming companies, to their relations with small agricultural producers and consequences [...]
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2007 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
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2007 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Regional- and settlement marketing (in the following: RSM) is a relatively young but dynamically developing branch of the science and practice of marketing. On the basis
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2007 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
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2007 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
There are many reasons for the evolution of super-farms in some of the CIS. This paper does not intend to elaborate on the whole set of reasons. There are already many st [...]
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2007 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
A set of dynamic DEA models is applied to investigate size determinants on the Moscow region corporate farms during 1996-2004. The institutional theoretical framework is [...]
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2007 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Functions and existence of agricultural corporate farms have concerned agricultural
economists for a long time. It is worth examining in a given market how these forms of [...]
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2007 |
Conference Paper/ Presentation |