Agricultural transformations in Ukraine resulted in division of tracts of land and creation of large number of small private land owners. Since December 1999 these processes were developing with especially high speed after adoption of Presidential Decree "On emergency actions aimed at acceleration of reorganization of agricultural sector of economics", which has become fundamental legislative act in conducting land and agricultural reforms. During the first year after adoption of the abovementioned decree, there started development of land market, which ought to have included: private property for land, legislative protection of land rent, possibilities of free transfers of ownership rights for land from one market subject to another (purchasing and selling of land), as its components. Namely for solving this task, which is important for completion of land reform, Ukrainian Parliament has imposed moratorium that is still in force. First of all in this context, it is necessary to develop institutional background for ownership and selling of land and its main components - cadastre and register of land plots. The task of cadastre - description of physical characteristics of land plots, the register - description of their legal status. It is impossible do develop land market that is civilized and understandable for society without introduction of unified system of land registration. Incompleteness of agricultural transformation led to development of land market under conditions of insufficient legislative regulation. In Ukraine processes purchasing and selling of agricultural lands are developing spontaneously, enlargement and consolidation led to development of extra large agricultural companies that are increasingly influencing situation in agricultural sector, but also in social and economic situation in the country.