Bedding plants constitute an increasingly important segment of Florida's complex of ornamental industries. A survey of traditional bedding plant growers showed more than [...]
English |
1979-07 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
English |
1997-04 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
Existing packinghouses are located near older groves. As more
citrus is grown farther south in Florida, transportation cost increases
will occur unless new packinghouses [...]
1983-04 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
Changes in costs associated with each level in the fresh and
processed citrus marketing channel are examined. The results indicate
that more than 60 percent of the retail [...]
1985-12 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
Changes in costs associated with each level in the fresh and
processed citrus marketing channel are examined. The results indicate
that nearly 61 percent of the retail ~o [...]
1982-09 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
An enterprise budget for sugarcane production in south Florida
during the 1978-79 season was developed from data provided by local
producers. An efficient 640-acre farm w [...]
1979-09 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
A Florida fresh citrus packing efficiency cost study for the 1995-96 season was
conducted from January 1997 to August 1997. A total of 14 commercial citrus packers--8
fro [...]
1998-04 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
Government regulations have a significant impact on Florida dairy farmers. According to a
sample of farmers, waste disposal activities on dairy operations are most negati [...]
1997-06 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
The final two decades of the 20th Century are widely regarded as being turbulent, difficult
times for Florida's producers of fresh fruits and vegetables. Particularly in [...]
2002-08 |
Working or Discussion Paper |
2002-06 |
Working or Discussion Paper |