Staff Papers

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Staff Papers 50 records found 1 - 10nextSearch took 0.11 seconds. 
This staff paper provides (1) a summary of the proposed bill regarding the annual conservation and land preservation tax concept, (2) observations and a preliminary asses [...]
English | 2001 | Working or Discussion Paper |
An agricultural household model provides the framework for modeling off-farm work participation and off-farm and on-farm work decisions of farm operators. The empirical [...]
English | 1997 | Working or Discussion Paper |
This staff paper reviews the Senate (SSB2072) and House (HSB688) versions of a proposed 1998 Amendment to the Iowa Constitution and provides a preliminary analysis of the [...]
English | 1998 | Working or Discussion Paper |
The rapid expansion of large-scale pork production has been accompanied by increasing concerns regarding potential detrimental consequences of environmental hazards on th [...]
English | 1996 | Working or Discussion Paper |
The paper presents an econometric model of dynamic agricultural input demand functions that includes research based technical change and autoregressive disturbances and f [...]
English | 1995 | Working or Discussion Paper |
This paper evaluates the results of a survey of Iowa pork producers, examining potential price discrimination by packers. Prices varied greatly across producers, and the [...]
English | 1996 | Working or Discussion Paper |
Officials from eight counties selected according to jail size were interviewed. Parameters from site visits were used to estimate jail costs. The jails selected ranged i [...]
English | 1997 | Working or Discussion Paper |
This testimony highlights the author's observations regarding gaps in rural financial markets as they relate to rural develop and legislative opportunities for addressing [...]
English | 1997 | Working or Discussion Paper |
Pork production has been evolving from relatively small, family-run operations toward large-scale operations with several employees. This study uses a national survey of [...]
English | 1996 | Working or Discussion Paper |
Structural changes now occurring in agriculture have led to a bifurcated pork channel. One side of the channel is characterized by "commodity" hogs produced by tradition [...]
English | 1998 | Working or Discussion Paper |

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