An important indicator or even the crucial factor of the competitiveness of a company can be
seen in its innovative capacity, i.e. the abstract capacity to launch continuous product innovations
and to implement the required processes in the internal structure of an organization. This is
also true for the food industry as several studies of the broad area of innovations in the food market
have shown (Galizzi/Venturini, 1996). From a more macroeconomic perspective, the national
innovation systems have been analyzed, as well as general trends in the food sector (Menrad,
In the empirical literature we find several surveys analyzing the influence of the innovative performance
of firms in the food industry (Herrmann et al., 1996; McNamara et al., 2003). Most of
these contributions concentrate either on statements on the Input-Output Relationship of innovation
activities or include analysis within the Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm provided
by the scholars of the Harvard School. Both aspects are starting points for empirical
research as well as in both cases the process-related and dynamic elements of innovation are
treated as a black box.
The general intention of this paper is to find a more theoretical framework which explains the
innovative capacity of firms that are involved in the focused sector. In this regard the concept
of Dynamic Capabilities provided by Teece et al. (1997) and Eisenhardt/Martin (2000) are
broadly accepted as a useable explanation of firms' innovative capacity. Since these concepts
were designed with a particular regard to typical high-tech industries like IT-branch, telecommunication
and biotechnology, the question comes up if these approaches do essentially fit to
those conditions we can observe on the food market. Thus, the purpose of this paper is twofold:
first, we want to introduce and discuss the concepts of dynamic capabilities in the context of
firms' innovative capacity and market dynamics. Second, we are going to analyse the explanatory
power and finally the applicability of dynamic capabilities to the food industry.
We will start with an introduction and critical discussions of the concepts of Dynamic Capabilities
(II) that are regarded as the recent extension on RBV. In order to test the applicability of
Dynamic Capabilities to the food market, we concentrate the analysis on three main criteria (III)
derived from the theoretical background. Based on those, we will finally draw a conclusion (IV)
on the applicability of the approach discussed.