The states of Sao Paulo, Brazil and Florida, United States collectively dominate the world supply
of orange juice. Collectively, these two regions account for over 80 percent of world processed
orange production (Spreen, et al). Florida is the prime supplier to the United States and
Canada, while Sao Paulo dominates world trade of orange juice and is the primary supplier to
the EU market. It is these three markets - the United States, Canada and the EU - that represent
the vast majority of global consumption of processed orange products (Spreen).
The global dominance by these two national industries is being threatened. Both the Florida and
Sao Paulo citrus industries are experiencing outbreaks of the same potentially devastating diseases
- citrus canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri) and citrus greening (Liberibacter asiaticus).
Citrus canker forms lesions on fruit, causing premature fruit drop and rendering the fruit
unsuitable for fresh market sales. "In addition to lowering yields, there is likely some increase
in tree mortality as canker may open pathways for other diseases ... [though] tree mortality is not
the major concern with endemic citrus canker (Spreen, et al., p. 14-5)." On the other hand, citrus
greening, as observed in Asia, has had devastating effects on citrus production, leading to very
high rates of tree mortality. As greening is quite new to both Sao Paulo and Florida, the actual
magnitude of this threat is still unknown, but most industry observers are openly concerned
about the potential for significant losses of citrus trees.