

Red meat is international business and meat companies in Namibia are global role players. Poultry consumption increased at the expense of beef primarily because of consistency and pricing, while larger beef and sheep meat suppliers are making inroads in the growth markets of the world. Ultimately, to be successful, companies must carve out a clear position for themselves, in the light of competition, and must exploit their competitive advantages to the full. A study was commissioned to determine the strategic success factors, approaches and options of the major beef and sheep meat exporting industries of the world for extrapolation on Namibia. The most common business strategy involves cost orientation, although a differentiated focus strategy with innovative and branded products targeted into niche markets is clearly needed for Namibian businesses. Developments in traceability, quality control, branding, added-value and consistency should satisfy the concerns consumers have over health and safety issues and assure repurchases of Namibian meat products.




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