

The purpose of this paper is the analysis of fishery products exchange between the EU and its Mediterranean partners. In order to delineate more clearly the framework of trade in fish products among the Mediterranean countries, EU and non-EU members, countries under analysis (only those with a Mediterranean shore) will be divided into 4 groups: - PMM, EU Mediterranean members (France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Malta and Slovenia); - PCM, candidate Mediterranean countries (Croatia and Turkey); - PPCM, potential candidate Mediterranean countries (Albania and Montenegro); - PTM, third Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Palestinian Authority and Tunisia). In addition to the more recent political agreements (enlargement processes and membership) the analysis will take into account the partnership processes involving the EU, on one hand, and some Mediterranean partners: the Euro - Mediterranean partnership (PEM) and the Stabilization and Association process (PSA) that the EU has launched with the countries of the Mediterranean south-east (from North Africa to the Middle-East) in the first case, and with the countries of south-eastern Europe ( Balkans), in the second case. The study focuses on the fishery products exchange using, as sources, UN-Comtrade data (for the international trade) and Eurostat data (for the EU trade). The analysis will pay attention both on the quantitative and qualitative aspects of trade. From the analysis it is expected to identify the main trends of exchange, the effects of the liberalisation processes on the fish products exchange and any product specialisation.




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