2008 XVI Convegno Annuale SIEA - Le Dinamiche del Commercio Agro-alimentare Tra Commodities e Prodotti Differenziati, 5-6 Giugno 2008, Trieste

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2008 XVI Convegno Annuale SIEA - Le Dinamiche del Commercio Agro-alimentare Tra Commodities e Prodotti Differenziati, 5-6 Giugno 2008, Trieste 13 records found 1 - 10nextSearch took 0.14 seconds. 
International trade has increased, in the last few decades, however the economic divide between the advanced economies in the North of the world and the less developed of [...]
Italian | 2008-06 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
In the last few years the Italian flower and ornamental plant sector has been characterized by a significant dynamicity, becoming one of the most important sectors of the [...]
2008-06 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
The research field is marketing of quality food products for the introduction and promotion of innovative and differentiating products in distribution places far and cult [...]
Italian | 2008-06 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
The purpose of this paper is the analysis of fishery products exchange between the EU and its Mediterranean partners. In order to delineate more clearly the framework of [...]
Italian | 2008-06 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Since 1995, the Barcelona Process aims to establish a free trade area between Mediterranean countries by 2010. The most commercialized products from Mediterranean countri [...]
Italian | 2008-06 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Il settore olivicolo-oleario italiano deve confrontarsi con una crescente intensificazione della pressione competitiva, esercitata principalmente dei nostri competitor eu [...]
Italian | 2008-06 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
The paper analyses the dynamics of the Italian olive oil trade and gives a preliminary explanation of the opportunity in the international market. The paper starts showin [...]
Italian | 2008-06 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
This paper examines the product specialisation of Italian trade over the period 2000-2006 to identify the roots of Italy’s sluggish trade performance with respect to I [...]
Italian | 2008-06 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Il mercato mondiale degli agrumi ha subito, nel corso degli ultimi anni, alcune sostanziali modificazioni in relazione alle quantità prodotte,alle zone di produzione e [...]
2008-06 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |
Since some decades, agrifood products exchanges can be carried on using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools. Anyway, their adoption in the agrifood secto [...]
2008-06 | Conference Paper/ Presentation |

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