Energy market prices ignore external effects, hence miss-allocate energy generation between (polluting) fossil fuels and (clean) solar technologies. Correcting the failure requires understanding the market allocation forces at hand. An important feature of solar energy is that its
cost of supply is predominantly due to upfront investments in capital infrastructure (rather than to the actual supply rate) and this feature has
far reaching implications for the market allocation outcome. Studying
the market allocation process, we specify the conditions under which
solar technologies penetrate the energy sector. The framework is then
used to analyze policy regulation in the form of taxing fossil energy
and subsidizing investments in solar energy. The first policy measure
addresses undesirable environmental effects associated with the use of
fossil fuels and the second internalizes the benefits of learning by doing
in the solar industry. Under certain conditions, a temporary subsidy on
solar energy investments gives rise to a
flourishing, self-sustained solar
industry that will (eventually) drive fossil energy out of production.