Excerpts: The topic, qualifications of successful owner-operators of commercial recreation enterprises, relates specifically to the characteristics of operators. Before directing my comments to this assigned topic, however, I think it is important to first discuss briefly the setting in which the qualifications of successful operators may be judged. The operator's personal characteristics, skills, and management ability are qualities of major importance, but even if they are favorable these are inadequate to guarantee success if they are to be applied to an unsound business venture. This is why emphasis must be placed on selecting the enterprise situation in which the operator functions. Demand for the "product" and the available supply of opportunities to meet this demand must be considered as well as location and development of the facilities. These factors must be favorable to insure that management is not wasted on an unsound venture. The economic setting is often a controlling factor and must, therefore be carefully evaluated before appraising the operator's characteristics in depth. The qualifications of the man must be evaluated within an economic "framework" to be meaningful.