

Context and background Flooding in Dar es Salaam is greatly contributed by the overall increase in daily rainfall amounts, generally identified as rainfall variability which contributes to the overall climate change. Climate change adaptation is the spearhead initiative towards moderating the potential damages associated with actual or anticipated changes in climate. Through variety of options, urban land use planning has emerged as among the options towards climate change adaptation implementation. Goal and Objectives: This study aimed at exploring the existing efforts and prospects for integrating climate change adaptation into urban land use planning in the rapid urbanizing city of Dar es Salaam. Methodology: Teta and Sokoni subwards were selected as case studies where review of documents, field observation, geospatial mapping, household surveys and key informant interviews were the data collection methods used. QGIS, SPSS and Global Mapper were the main softwares utilized in analyzing the data obtained. Results: Findings demonstrate that the preparation of detail planning schemes, construction of stormwater drainage and implementation of building codes are the most appealing efforts executed towards enhancing climate change adaptation through urban land use planning. The notable prospects towards enhancing climate change adaption through urban land use planning are mainly technological advancement, supportive legal frameworks and robust involvement of actors. It was also identified that, urban land use planning isn’t a stand-alone component contributing to overall climate change adaptation hence other components such as; adaptation measures, institutional framework, resources and capacities were vital in the integration process.




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