

Agriculture is crucial for economic and social development, with rural producers playing a vital role in sustaining life. Various types of rural organizations exist, fostering diverse objectives among producers. Over the past fifty years, significant transformations have occurred in Brazil's agriculture, with farmers facing the challenge of producing more and better with less. This study aims to identify factors influencing the decision-making of rural producers. It employed a Systematic Literature Review to extract factors divided into four dimensions: technology, learning, market, and governance. These dimensions interfere with the decision-making process and are considered decisive for the success or failure of any rural producer. The primary outcome underscores the significance of understanding how to produce and all aspects encompassing the administrative and financial management of rural properties. Enhancing managerial capabilities is essential for rural producers. Faced with the implications of technological advances, rural producers must behave appropriately to manage their activities and property to remain and grow stronger in an increasingly competitive market, where efficiency and effectiveness are essential for survival.




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