Prices and spreads are presented for 13 major vegetables—asparagus, cabbage, carrots, celery, sweet corn, cucumbers, lettuce, onions, green peppers, potatoes, spinach, sweetpotatoes, and tomatoes--sold fresh in major markets during 1967/68 - 1974/75. Study results show that the seasonal average retail price, shipping point price wholesale-retail spread, and shipping point-wholesale spread for the vegetables, increased during the eight seasons. The weighted average retail price increased 77 percent, from 13.5 to 23.9 cents a pound, and the shipping point price (grower and packer returns) rose 87 percent, from 4.7 to 8.8 cents. The wholesale-retail spread went up 65 percent, from 6.6 to 10.9 cents, and the shipping point-wholesale spread increased 91 percent, from 2.2 to 4.2 cents, in this period.