As rice is the most important income crop in Myanmar and the direct seeded rice production method is the most commonly used in Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory. The objectives of the study were to observe economic analysis and factor shares of direct seeded rice production and examine the reasons and constraints of the farmers for using direct seeded rice methods in the study area. The survey was conducted in August 2023. A total of 75 direct-seed farmers from three village tracts in Zeyarthiri Township were selected by using the purposive sampling method, only DSR farmers. Descriptive, economic analysis and factor shares were used to fulfill the objectives of the study. In terms of cost and return analysis, the benefit-cost ratios were 1.79 for wet DSR, 1.74 for dry DSR and 2.21 for DSR with drum seeder indicating that the sampled farmers profit from their DSR methods. Higher input costs were the major constraints faced by the DSR methods of the sampled farmers. The reasons for changing DSR methods are low cost than transplanting, labor scarcity at peak season. The major constraints were loss of seeds in the fields, high price of fertilizers and labor scarcity at peak season. To achieve increased productivity DSR with drum seeder method should be encouraged for getting more profits and farm mechanizations also should be supported in time to farmers who are faced with labor scarcity problem. And the availability of adequate irrigated water sources should be provided for rice production.