

Excerpts: The study includes an inventory of the water and related land resources, an investigation of the problems and an appraisal of the present and future needs for development. The objectives of the investigation and the study were to: 1. Evaluate the agricultural and nonagricultural damages caused by floodwater, salinity, water erosion, sediment, high-water tables, wind erosion, and pollution. 2. Appraise land use and the land treatment practices as they relate to soils, erosion, and the use of land within its capabilities. 3. Determine the most efficient system of land treatment and structural measures which would alleviate the problems relating to flood prevention, drainage, management of water supplies, salinity control, pollution, fish and wildlife, water quality control, and recreation at a justifiable cost. 4. Identify those elements of the plan that are required to satisfy immediate and long range objectives. 5. Identify those elements of the plan which can be carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture and other Federal, State, and local agencies under existing authorities, and also those activities that should be developed under amended or new authorities. 6. Evaluate the impact of the proposed programs on the physical, economic, and social factors of the area and the State. 7. Prepare a report which describes the problems and presents solutions, development opportunities, and an analysis of uses of water and land resources.




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