

The research aimed to determine the level of robustness of Polish farms on the example of selected economic and environmental shocks. The current state of knowledge about the concept of resilience is presented, and a research gap regarding the measurement of resilience is identified. Based on the available literature, it was indicated what economic and environmental shocks Polish farms were exposed to in 2010-2019. Then, robustness indicators available in the literature were used to determine the level of resilience of individual groups of farms, divided by type of production. The indicators were calculated based on publicly available data from the FADN database and were related to the dynamics of profitability of economic units. The study showed that the impact of the indicated shocks is noticeable. Moreover, it was found that most of the surveyed farms were able to return to a stable state within a year of the shock, indicating that they could be considered resilient. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that farms dealing with permanent crops are the most resilient to economic and environmental shocks.




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