Tables included: Percentage of increase or decrease of number and acreage of farms, by geographical divisions and by census decades (1850-1890). -- Value of farm property and products in 1890, by geographical divisions. -- Percentage of increase or decrease of acreage of farm crops (corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, buckwheat, cotton, hay, tobacco), 1880 to 1890, by geographical divisions. -- Percentage of increase or decrease of production of farm crops, by geographical divisions and by time period (1840-1890). -- Percentage of increase or decrease of farm animals in the United States, by census decades 1840-1890). -- Number of persons in the United States ten years of age and over engaged in agriculture, by specified, occupations, 1890. -- Percentage of farms cultivated by owners and tenants, 1880 and 1890, by geographical divisions. -- Wages of farm labor per month without board, by geographical divisions and by years. -- Average acreage of farms, by geographical divisions and by census years (1850-1890). -- Average value of capital and products per farm, by geographical divisions and by census years (1870-1890). --Average value and yield of cereal crops in the United States, by geographical divisions and by periods of years. -- Charges for marketing a bale of cotton, 1840 and 1897. -- Hand and machine labor in agriculture in the United States.