

This paper identified various factors causing urban-to-rural migrants to have the intention of farming. The 2019 urban-to-rural migrants survey showed that 12.3% of the migrants with no experience of farming had the intention of farming. If this intention transforms into action, the transition will make up for a gradual decrease of urban-to-rural farming. This paper’s analysis was based on the microdata of the 2016 urban-to-rural migrants survey with 1006 samples—the only microdata of the year available. The specific factors were selected and made as variables in a model from the survey questionnaire considering the urban-to-rural migration-related, economic, sociocultural, and demographic aspects. Preparation duration, education, and governmental policy in the urban-to-rural migration-related aspect were statistically significant. Family income prospects, agriculture-related jobs, and business start-up experience in the economic aspect were statistically significant. Relationship with other residents and satisfaction levels in the sociocultural aspect and the number of family in the demographic information were statistically significant. All the statistically significant variables were positive except business start-up experience. Implications were added based on the results.




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