

This study investigate factors analysis on relationship satisfaction between supplier and consumer in market of agricultural product brands. To be specific, this topic examines impact relationships among switching costs, relational benefits, and attractiveness of alternatives as antecedents which affect customers' relational satisfaction and intentions to relational exit in variables considering characteristics of agricultural product brands. The results show that customers' switching costs between brand supplier and customer have a positive effect on relational satisfaction and intentions to relational exit. Relational benefits can be strengthened by customers' relational satisfaction, and also customers' relational satisfaction is affected by attractiveness of alternatives. The attractiveness of alternatives which is strengthened by customers' attitudes has a positive influence on customers' intention to relational exits. The rest variables of switching costs and relational benefits have no significant effects on customers' intention to relational exits. At the conclusion of the paper, theoretical contributions, managerial implications, limitation and future research directions are discussed.




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