

The goal of this paper is to suggest a list of indicators of farm sensitivity to the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic brought rapid changes for many economies, organisations, and individuals. Top-down restrictions in travel, obligatory infection tests, masks, and disinfection, closing of many service points combined with changes in consumer behaviour were undoubtedly a shock to many forms of business. Second-round consequences, such as changes in demand for certain products, truncated logistic chains, currency and price changes affected, among others, the agrifood sector. The paper is of methodical character. The paper is based on a short literature review concerning the vulnerability and sensitivity analysis for various organisation types (countries, regions, households) on external conditions (such as weather and economic conditions). Basing on the COVID-19 pandemic transmission channels to food and agriculture, the author suggests a set of indicators that can be used to analyse farm sensitivity to the pandemic. These measures, after necessary modifications, can be used also for measuring the impact of other exogenous shocks on farms.




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