Excerpts from the report Introduction: The primary objective of this research was to determine if satisfactory primary data on leisure time activities and preferences could be obtained from an interview sample survey of a metropolitan area. Further, these data would be correlated in a statistically significant manner with socioeconomic characteristics widely available from census reports and other secondary sources. Validation of these hypotheses would enable the development of an econometric model capable of predicting the total demand from a metropolitan area for water-oriented outdoor recreation. This report presents the relationships for leisure time allocation, outdoor recreation activities, and preferences for recreation facilities from a sample of the St. Louis metropolitan population. Relationships between various socioeconomic characteristics and participation in water-oriented outdoor recreation were identified. Analyses of variance were computed for each relationship to determine the level of significance. Duncan's new multiple range test was used to test significance of the subcategories of each socioeconomic characteristic. A companion report presents results of the second phase, development of the econometric model.