

Excerpts from the report: Development of income-producing outdoor recreation facilities by farmers and other rural groups through programs of the U.S. Department of Agriculture was promoted under provisions of Title IV of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1962. The aim of Title IV was to increase farm incomes, reduce farm commodity surpluses, and provide needed new recreation facilities. The Farmers Home Administration (FHA) provides credit to finance farm ownership, operating expenses, soil and water conservation, improve farm buildings, and rural housing. Credit and management assistance are combined to ensure productive use of farmers' resources. Family farmers may now borrow money through farm operating and ownership loans of the FHA to establish income-producing recreation enterprises on their farms. The Department's knowledge about the economic feasibility of developing recreation enterprises has lagged behind its technical knowledge about constructing facilities and using natural resources. Standards for efficient enterprise management, and guidance on other elements affecting the economic feasibility of developing profitable recreation facilities are needed.




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