

The Crawford Fund has supported a long-running program providing plant pathology and entomology support for smallholder farmers and provincial and district staff in southern Lao PDR. The program has involved over 32 volunteers, mentors and students covering 55 cash crops involved in poverty alleviation. The program has focused on identifying the key pests and diseases while working directly with the farmers to develop appropriate management practices. We endeavour to empower government advisers to work with farmers to alleviate poverty, for example through the production of high value horticulture crops. Activities have included workshops, establishment of small diagnostic laboratories, and the development of pest and disease checklists and extension materials. Benefits also flow to Australia, with volunteers and mentors gaining exposure to pests and diseases not present in Australia, and the opportunity to build professional networks. This case study describes the ‘field to lab’ approach that has characterised this program and made it successful. Dr Anderson visited Savannakhet and Champasak provinces in February and March 2019 as a volunteer with the Australian Volunteer Program. She worked with local government advisers to visit smallholder farmers and survey the leaf diseases that affect bananas in southern Lao PDR. In-field training for identification of banana leaf diseases was undertaken. Samples were taken to the laboratory for preliminary identification, providing the opportunity for training in specific techniques for working with banana leaf pathogens. Samples were sent to colleagues in internationally recognised laboratories for formal identification, making use of specialised resources not present in Lao PDR. During COVID, ongoing support for the identification of pest and diseases and their management has been through the use of social media such as WhatsApp which link the network of past volunteers, mentors and Lao counterparts.




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