

Excerpts from the Report: The United States is the world's major producer, consumer, and trader of coarse grains. Despite this preeminence, the grain policies of other nations have an impact on the United States. This is particularly true when the country happens to be a major importer or exporter of coarse grains. Shifts in coarse grain production, consumption, and trade of other countries influence U.S. policy decisions in several ways. These "outside" developments have a bearing on the nature of the feed grains program pursued by the United States since the level of coarse grain production targeted annually depends in part on export possibilities. This report looks briefly at trends in world production, utilization, and trade of coarse grains. The discussion centers on major coarse grain consuming or exporting countries (or regions) other than the United States and comments on trade prospects for 1970/71. An appraisal of probable developments in other countries or areas is designed to provide some insight into short-term problems (or opportunities) facing the United States in the world coarse grains market and on matters having a bearing on U.S. grain policy.




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