Excerpts from the Preface: This bibliography is a selected compilation of literature dealing with aspects of poverty in the United States. The overall approach has been to present an interdisciplinary view of the literature so the reader can better appreciate the complex nature of the poverty problem. The collection, spanning approximately 15 years, includes citations from the fields of anthropology, demography, economics, physical and mental health, psychology, sociology, and social psychology. Most references are reports of field investigations. Not all of the citations, however, are reports of empirical research. Some include position papers designed to clarify either research variables or major themes pertinent for researchers studying socioeconomic deprivation. Although the major emphasis of this bibliography is on the dynamics of poverty and characteristics of the poor, sources dealing with proposals for alleviating poverty, such as income maintenance, negative income tax, and family allowances, can be found under Resource Development Problems and Programs. In particular, see Alternative Solutions: Program Proposals and Evaluations.