

Excerpts from the report: The Department of Agriculture has published reports about frozen food handling methods and warehouse layouts in wholesale warehouses. Some effective operating practices of frozen food wholesalers were analyzed in the reports. However, the reports pointed out that methods of receiving food stocks, assembling orders, and loading delivery trucks in many of the plants studied appeared to be inadequate for the efficient handling of frozen food. To correct these inadequacies, this study developed recommendations for improved methods, equipment, and layout to make frozen food distribution operations more efficient. The data presented here summarize studies of materials-handling operations and warehouse layout both in wholesale establishments that normally supply their customers with frozen foods in addition to groceries, fruits and vegetables, meats, and dairy products, and in wholesale establishments that supply their customers with frozen food and ice cream only. Sizes of the cooperating firms' frozen food warehouses ranged from 2,000 to 55,000 square feet.




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