Excerpts from the report Preface: Over the years, our wool textile industry has depended upon imports for a substantial part of the wool it uses. Although our tariff has tended to maintain a differential between world prices and prices of wool to domestic users, the cost of wool to domestic mills has tended to rise and fall with changes in the total demand for and the supply of wool throughout the world. The relationship between prices of domestic and imported wools has long been of concern to those associated with wool. The wool price-support programs of recent years have increased the need for basic information and analyses concerning this relationship. This publication was prepared in response to requests for long-time series on prices of imported wools at Boston and for a comparison of prices of various domestic and imported shorn wools on the Boston market. It is designed to help growers, dealers, manufacturers, Government officials, and others directly or indirectly interested in wool toward an understanding of these basic relationships.