

Climate change threatens agriculture and food systems in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Hence, shifting to agricultural practices that are climate-friendly is crucial in building resilience and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal two (2) in SSA. This study aims to assess the preferences for shifting to agricultural practices with CSA potentials (AP-CSAPs) and to estimate the trade-off with respect to price and other attributes among lowland rice farmers in Nigeria. We used choice experiment data collected from 462 farmers in five geopolitical zones in Nigeria. Our result revealed that farmers significantly (p<0.01) showed strong preference for rice varieties that have early and medium maturing as against that of late maturing varieties. Similarly, preference was given to farmers that practiced intermittently flooding and rain-fed relative to continuously flooding the rice farm. Likewise, exporting straw from the farm to feed livestock was significantly (p<0.01) preferred to incorporating the straw into the soil for more than 30 days before cultivation as against straw incorporation less than 30 days. The study concludes that lowland rice farmers are willing to accept incentives to shift to AP-CSAPs provided the policy actions that will facilitate the implementation of all the hypothetical attributes and incentives are put in place by the government and relevant stakeholders.




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