

Red pepper area is forecast to be reduced to 61,200ha(20ll). Yield per lOa is expected to increase to 327kg(201 l). As a result, production is estimated to be 200,000ton(201 l). Garlic area is forecast to be reduced to 36,000ha(201 l). Yield per lOa is expected to increase to l,416kg(201 l). As a result, production is estimated to be 513,0ooton(201 l). Onion area is forecast to be increased to 19,800ha(201 l). Yield per lOa is expected to increase to 6, 100kg(201 l). As a result, production is estimated to be 1.21 million ton(2011) Planted areas of Chinese cabbage and radish have slightly fallen in 1991 /2000. Autumn planting of both has declined about 3%, but Spring and Summer planting have risen up. It shows that demand for chinese cabbage and radish has been constant throughout the year. Demand for chinese cabbage and radish is forecast to remain flat in Spring, increase slightly in Summer, and decrease in Autumn. According to this, whole demands will be likely to slowdown. Reduction in demands will likely lead to decreasing planted area.




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