Periodically in the National Food Review, we have provided data on the cost of selected foods per unit of protein. The data indicate that there is a wide diversity in cost for alternative protein sources. Significantly higher beef prices make this update more important this year. The number of grams of protein per pound of each item is available in "The Nutritive Value of American Foods" (Agriculture Handbook No. 456). Given prices per unit weight, simple division yields the cost per gram of nutrient. A protein unit is defined as 20 grams of protein, or one-third the daily requirement recommended for a 20-year-old male. So multiplication by 20 yields the cost per protein unit. For example, in 1978, lamb chops were approximately $3.00 per pound. A pound of lamb chops yields approximately 55 grams of protein. Hence, one would have to consume about $1.09 worth of lamb chops in order to consume a unit of protein.