

The slogan "Take Stock in America," intended to publicize U.S. Savings Bonds, has become the goal for the increasing number of foreign firms investing in the U.S. food system. The U.S. Government has traditionally maintained a neutral policy toward direct foreign investment. This neutrality was recently reaffirmed by the Department of Commerce in congressional hearings. Foreign investment in the U.S. has doubled in the last 5 years, but the amount of foreign investment is still only about one-fourth as great as U.S. investment in foreign firms. Foreign investment in U.S. agricultural land has received the most publicity and generated the most concern up to present time. However, data collected under the Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act of 1978 reveal that as of February I, 1980, foreign entities and individuals owned slightly less than 0.5 percent of all U.S. agricultural land, almost half of which is classified as forest lands. A greater degree of foreign investment has occurred in food manufacturing and retailing.




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