The study was conducted to measure improvement in socio-economic indicators along with factors of ten successful poultry entrepreneuring households with the help of credit and training provided by BKB and BRDB at Gazipur and Mymensingh districts. Of these cases 4 farms (40%) were under BKB and 6 farms (60%) under BRDB. The study revealed that annual income per layer and broiler farming households under BKB increased from Tk.81900/- to Tk.94750/- and Tk.47850/- to Tk.52500/-. Annual income per layer and broiler farming households under BRDB increased from Tk.102550/- to Tk.115000/- and from Tk.56550/- to Tk.73755/- along with increase of substantial amount of savings. Each household under BKB and BRDB possessed productive assets worth Tk.19150/- and Tk.26166/- respectively. Each household under BKB and BRDB possessed non productive assets worth Tk.34500/- and Tk.26075/-. Several economic, physical, human, social and geographical and environmental factors contributed to the success of the households. Some factors were highly advantageous and some were moderately advantageous for the success. Availability of institutional credit was highly advantageous for about 67% layer farming households and 71% broiler farming households. Profitable enterprise was highly advantageous for all the households. Marketing facilities of eggs and culled birds were highly advantageous for all layer farms and supply of chick and feed and marketing facilities of broiler birds were highly advantageous for 71%, 71% and cent percent broiler farms respectively. Nearness to locations of hatchery, road side, and market and capital city played an important role for their success too. Government institutions with suffiently increased capital and training supports could be a way of poverty reduction strategy for Bangladesh.