A feeding trial was conducted for a period of 5 weeks with 264 day-old Starbro broiler chicks and were allocated into six dietary treatments containing 21.5% CP and 2930 Kcal ME/kg DM. At 5 weeks of age, 2 broilers from each block (8 from each treatment) was randomly selected considering average body weight and slaughtered to analyze the meat yield traits. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) in feed and water intake, initial and final weight, total gain and gain/day, feed conversion efficiency and mortality of broilers among the dietary treatments. Liveweight at slaughter and dressing percent did not differ significantly (p>0.05) among the dietary treatments but dressing percent (p<0.05), head weight (p<0.05), blood weight (p<0.001), thigh+drumstick meat (p<0.001) and back bone +breast bone (p<0.001) were higher in triticale based diet. Triticale based diet had no effect on production performances, but it affected on the length of neck (p<0.001), thigh (p<0.05) and drumstick (p<0.05). However, triticale-based diet did not affect (p>0.05) the length of shank and wing of broiler among the dietary treatments. There was clear advantage of using triticale over wheat because no significant difference (p>0.05) among the dietary treatments were observed.