A field experiment was carried out on an Old Brahmaputra floodplain soil at Bangladesh Agricultural University Farm, Mymensingh to study the effect of rice straw, sesbania and sulphur on the growth and yield of rice and post-harvest soil characteristics. The results indicated that the dry matter yields of rice plants at maximum tillering stage and panicle emergence stage increased significantly due to the application of rice straw, sesbania and sulphur over the control treatment. Similar results were observed in grain and straw yields of rice. The highest grain yield of 6.733 t ha-1 was recorded in the treatment, where rice straw and sulphur were applied together and it was statistically identical with that of sesbania and sulphur fertilizer applied together (6.640 t ha-1). The minimum grain yield of rice was recorded in the control treatment- (4.640 t ha-1). The application of rice straw, sesbania and sulphur improved soil quality, particularly when S was applied in combination with either rice straw or .sesbania. In postharvest soils, Al was slightly lowered, while organic matter content, total N, available P and available S contents increased significantly under sesbania and rice straw applied together with S.