

In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze the market structure of poultry hatchery industry in Bangladesh. Both the primary and secondary data were used. The primary data were collected from hatcheries located at different districts of Bangladesh. Out of 130 hatcheries only 36 hatcheries were selected purposively for the study. The hatchery sold larger portion of their day-old chicks through their agents. Sometimes they sold a portion of their products directly to the commercial poultry firm owners. In the case of broiler and layer hatchery industry, the four firms concentration ratios were found very much similar to the type IV industry and nearly similar to type II oligopoly of Bain's classification respectively. The market structure of hatchery industry in Bangladesh was exhibiting oligopolistic with low moderate concentration in the case of broiler and highly concentrated in the case of layer. Atomistic buying condition was prevailing in the hatchery industry. There were about 11 strains for broiler chick and 9 strains for layer chick and prices varied for different strains. Barrier to entry in the form of huge capital requirement was also present in the industry.




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