An experiment was conducted at Payari union of Phulpur upazila (AEZ # 9) under Mymensingh district to determine the groundwater quality for irrigation and drinking water quality in relation to arsenic contamination. The EC of water samples were excellent to good, SAR was normal, residual sodium bi-carbonate (RSBC) was satisfactory and permeability index (PI) was in good category. pH was neutral to slightly alkaline and total hardness (TH) values were in soft to very hard classes. Soluble sodium percentage (SSP) was within the range of permissible to doubtful. The maximum water samples were found .harmful to soil with respect to magnesium adsorption ratio (MAR) and Kelly's ratio (KR). Ion concentrations were far below the recommended upper limit of irrigation water except magnesium indicating restricted irrigation use. Most of the water quality parameters were found to be correlated with each other and soluble sodium percentage (SSP) and permeability index (PI) were found to be highly correlated. In the study area, 11 groundwater samples showed presence of arsenic beyond the safe limit (>0.05 mg1:1).