

An experiment was conducted to investigate the general cytological condition of papaya. Seed germinated healthy roots were collected from the three different strains of papaya cultivars (P-1, P-2 & P-3). Slides were prepared following 2.5 hours of pretreatment by saturated aqueous solution of monobromonaphthalene (MBN), hydrolysis in 10% HC1 for 10 minutes at 60°C, Mordanting in 2% iron-alum for 4 minutes and staining in 0.5% haematoxyline for 4 minutes-schedule. Chromosome preparations were done so as to obtain them in well spread condition and in one focal plane of the microscope objective lens. Chromosome measurements were done from the prints of the photomicrographs of the chromosome plates. In all the three papaya strains 2n = 18 chromosomes were found. The diploid complement contained two pairs of satellited chromosomes. The range of the total length of the individual chromosome was 9.3 11 to16.0 pt in P-1, 7.21...t to 16.0 v. in P-2 and 9.211 to 18.0 pi, in P-3. Though general composition of the haploid karyotype in the three papaya strains studied was same, yet some variation in respect of length and arm ratio of the individual chromosome exists. Thus, it is apparent that some degree of karyotypic variation is occurring among the strain' s studied. It is also assumed that karyotypic difference as occurring in these- papaya strains could be due to structural changes of some chromosomes.




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