A field experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of addition of rice straw and S on growth and yield of high yielding variety of rice (BRRI Dhan 30) under flooded condition and on post harvest soil. The experiment was undertaken on an Old Brahmaputra FlOodplain silt loam soil at BAU farm. The soil was characterized by mild acidic in reaction and in general poor in nutrient status. The treatments used in the experiment were (1) Control (-S), (2) Rice straw @ 6 t had, (3) S @ 20 kg S had and (4) Rice straw @ 6 t had and S @ 20 kg S had. Gypsum was used as the source of S. Basal fertilizers, such as urea @ 70 kg N, TSP @ 17.5 kg P, MOP @ 33.2 kg K and ZnO @ 3 kg Zn per hectare were applied along with gypsum at the time of transplanting of rice seedlings. Nitrogen was applied in three equal splits, at transplanting, maximum tillering and panicle initiation stage. The treatments were laid out in completely randomized block design with three replications of each treatment. The test crop used was HYV rice, BRRI Dhan 30. Dry matter yield of rice plants significantly increased at both maximum tillering and p*anicle initiation stage in treatment with rice straw and S applied together. There were significant increases in all yield contributing attributes of the crop except, 1000-grain weight in both rice straw and S treatments over control. Grain and straw yields of rice significantly increased due to application of rice straw and S together over the control treatment. Grain yield increase's were 11.90, 19.76 and 25.95% in rice straw, S and rice straw and S (together) treatments respectively over the control. treatment. The application of rice straw slightly decreased soil pH, while it significantly improved organic matter content, total N, exchangeable K and available S in post harvest soil.