

This study surveyed the impact of power tiller use on employment, productivity and equity aspects in the agrarian community. It covered 180 households taking 60 from each of the three selected thanas of Mymensingh district considering the intensity of power tiller use by a multi-stage stratified random sampling and the entire 53 power tillers were studied in the sample villages. The use of power tiller induced significant incremental (25%) hired labor though a portion (6%) of human labor was replaced. On an average 203 man-days were used for per hectare Boro rice production of which 44.80% were family labor, 28.45% and 26.75% were casual and contract labor respectively. Except the rental cost of power tiller in Trishal, the other inputs did-not differ significantly among the locations which influenced the profitability of producing Boro in different areas. The per hectare highest gross return and gross margin .(Taka 32,036 and Taka 10,661) was found in Trishal followed by Muktagacha (Taka 30,710 and Taka 9,889); The net return was found negative in Gouripur and marginal net return was observed in Trishal and Muktagacha. The returns over per Taka investment on full cost basis were Taka 1.11, 1.10 and 0.88 for Trishal, Muktagacha and Gouripur respectively which indicated that the less power tiller users were greater losers than those who used them intensively. The BCR and NPV of the new power tillers were found L26 .and Taka 39,245 and for the old one 1.25 and Taka 30,199 respectively. Nevertheless, IRR was found to be 79.58% and 158.37% for the new and old power tillers respectively. Most of the medium farmers owned power tillers and their.lands were tilled by such technology. The land conceritration ratios were 0.29, 0.35 and 0.27 in Trishal, Muktagacha and Gouiipur respectively. The income concentration ratios were 0.25, 0.36, and 0.40 in the three areas which indicated that the intensive use of power tillers reduced income inequalities.




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