Glycine (Neonotonia wightii) is an adapted and productive forage legume for the seasonally dry areas of the eastern Caribbean islands, but lack of seed availability has limited its use. Replicated field studies from September 1999 to April 2001 assessed fertilizer application effects on forage dry matter (DM) and seed yield of glycine var. Cooper. In September 1999, fertilizer treatments (FT) included 0 fertilizer (control), 56 kg ha"1 Ρ applied as triple super-phosphate: TSP, 56 kg ha"1 potash; K20, 28 kg ha"1 elemental sulfur; S, and 28 kg ha"' micro-nutrient mixture (2.4% boron, 2.4% calcium, 14.4% iron oxide, 6% manganese, 0.06% molybdenum, and 5.76% zinc). In September 2000, FT included a control, 56 kg ha"1 TSP, 56 kg ha"1 K20, and 28 kg ha"1 S. There was no effect of FT on either forage (3,100 kg ha"1) or pod yield (350 kg ha"!)in 1999. In 2000, however, there was a trend (P=0.10) for higher forage yield for FT. Response to S (forage DM yield of 3,945 kg ha"1) was better than other FT. There were also differences (P<0.05) in pod yield. A two-fold increase in pod yield with 56 kg ha"1 K20 (979 kg ha"') compared to the control (445 kg ha"1) was observed. Excessive rainfall in latter part of 1999 may have affected pod yield. The positive pod yield response to K20 in March 2001, and yield responses to sulfur justifies further evaluations.