In France, mealtimes are a strong cultural trait, especially the three-meal pattern which was formed during the 19th century on the ‘bourgeois’ model. The aim of our study is to test whether this pattern still prevails and analyse to what extent family structure, gender, income and migration have an effect on meal frequency. This study is based on a cross-sectional analysis of data collected in 2010 in the SIRS cohort study among a representative sample of 3006 adults living in the Paris area. Results confirm that the three-meal pattern remains strongly rooted in the food habits of the Paris area. However, the study highlighted that one out of four inhabitants report that they eat two meals a day only. It shows a difference between men and women. Women are more likely than men to take three meals a day, men being more inclined to take two meals a day. For women, this is mainly linked to economic and social vulnerability.